Thursday 19 September 2019

Pachmarhi is Madhay Pradesh's most verdant gem in India.

Pachmarhi  is Madhay  pradesh's most verdant  gem in India. 

A Lovely hill resort  grilled by the Satpura rangers, it  offers  absolute tranquillity. Bridale path lead in to placid forest groves of wild bamboo,  jamun,dense sal forest and delicate  bamboo  thickets.


Complementing the magnificence of nature are the  works of man;Pachmarhi is also an archaeological  treasure -house.In cave shelter  in the  Mahadeo Hills is an astonishing richness in rock paintings.Most of these have been  placed  in  the  period 500-800AD,but the  earliest  paintings are an estimated  10,000 years  old. In pachmarhi  Bagpipes  skirted  in a flower-bright  valley while ancient dancers were  separated by thousands of years ;typical of this  little  town in the Satpura Mountains.Contrasting cultures and  ages exis  in harmony as if time and trends  means little  in this serene,wooded place.Pachmarhi  is for unwinding,effortlessly. Road meander gently  groves of tree,open space and heritage cottages sitting contentedly in their old gardens.The town has a quiet  gentility  about it as if victoriana tradition and high collars still governed most people 's lives.Much of this ambience has been  set,and is still  being Headquartered here.the old cottages,meticulously maintained by the Military  Engineering  Services, have changed  little since the day of Kipling

Situated at 1100 m, Pachmarhi, popularly know as'Satpura  kind Rani' (queen  of Satpura ),sits beautifully, embellished by nature and history, amidst the  Satpura rangers.Legend says the pandava brother visited Pachmarhi during their exile. 
This  beautiful region in the  hills,was discovered by Captain  James Forsyth in 1857.This most  popular hill station of Madhay  pradesh's is a treasure with ancient caves of  theBuddhist era residing in harmony with serene waterfalls . Pachmarhi  sure to make you feel calm,the way you felt when you put your bare feet on the  garden  grass 
for the first time  as a child. 
Best season  to visit :-This destination can be visited throughout the year. 

What To see.
Apsara vihar (Fairy pool):Easily accessible from Jai Stambh,this fairy pool is an ideal picnic spot fro families with  small children since the pool is  shallow, deepening only towards the Base of the  fall.
Sunder Kund :- Crossing the stream below duchess fall & following a footpath  about 2.5 Km in a south West direction,bring one to a huge rocky pool  that  is excellent for a refreshing swim.
Vanshere vihar (pansy pool): A beautiful spot on the  Denwa stream,cool & shady among trees,ferns & semi tropical vegetation. 

Sangam  (water  Meet ): this is  the lowest of the  picnic spot on the Denwa and offers fairly good bathing pool below  and above  the  meeting  of  the water.

Big Fall:- Those seeking adventure will find it in this ten -minute walk over rock and boulders from Apsara Vihar to the top RaJat pratap,the big fall, I rene pool this pool was discovered by Iren boss,wife of justice  Vivien bose and and named after her the route upstream leads to a cave,Through which the stream goes underground and then over a khud in a series of falls.
Jamun a Fall (Bee Fall): A spectacular fall in the  stream  which provides drinking water to pachmarhi. The bathing  pool above the  fall are popular.Handi Khoh pachmarhi's most impressive ravin has a 300 feet high precipice and dramatically steep sides. 

Jalawataran (Duchess Falls ): The descent is steep and the trek strenuous for almost of 4 km to the  base of the fall's first cascade. 
Catholic church: Built in 1892 by the British, the Catholic Church is a blend of the French and Irish architecture. Its Belgium stained glass windows add rare attraction and beauty  to the building. The church has a cemetery attached to it and graves date fro 1859, world war I&II.

Dhoopgarh: The  highest point in Satpura range, with a magnificent view of the surrounding rages. A very popular spot  for viewing sunsets.

Priydarshini (Forest  Point  ): This vantage  viewsing point  mark the place from where pachmarhi was discovered by Captain Forsyth in 1857.The British developed Pachmarhi as a resort and their influence is embodied  in its churches & colonial architecture. 

Mahadeo :- Regarded as holy for countless of generations,Mahadeo Hill has a Shrine with  as idol of Lord shiva and an impressive Shillinga.On the  East  side  of  the  hill is an excellent  cave shelter  with beautiful cave paintings. 

Chhota Mahadeo : Reserved  as a sacred spot ,this is  a narrow point in the  valley with rocks overhanging a stream  and a springs  from where water cascade down. 


Chauragarh: 4 km from Mahadeo it is Satpura's prominent landmarks,summit  crowned with emblem of Mahadeo 

Jata shankar: A sacred cave under a mass of this place resembles matted looks Dwip stream has its source. A rocky formation of this place resembles matted looks of Lord Shiva, hence the name.

Pandava cave : Five ancient dwelling excavated is sandstone rock in a low hill. Pachmarhi derives it's name from those caves which,as the legend goes, once provide sanctuary to the pandav brothers.There caves are now protected mountains.

Tridhara: A popular  picnic spot where two Streams meet in a Junction. 

Reechhgar : A wonderful  natural  amphitheatre in the rock,approached through a cave-like  entrance on the south -side.
Satpura  national  park : Set up in 1981, Satpura National  park is 524 Sq km in area It spread through dense forest of evergreen  sal,teak and bamboo. The high Peaks of Dhoopgarh and Mahadeo, Bori's legendry teak and bamboo forest,pachmarhi's fascinating natural  beauty  of  deep valleys,high mountains, rivulets, water  and Tawa's vast reservoir combine to give this park on the tiger, Leopard,bear,four-horned deer,blue-bull and a rich variety  of  birds.


The cave Shelter : Some of  the  caves shelter groups of  shelter around  pachmarhi are Dhuandhar,approached from the footpath to Apsara vihar
Vihar,the painting mostly in white include a group of archers with the typica Gond bun and hooped earrings.Bharat  need  (Dorothy  Deep ), has well executed  animal paintings  and when excavated in the 1930s yielded money pottery shards and microlight. 



How to Reach :-

By Air:- Nearest Airport is at Bhopal 219km.

By Train :- Nearest  Relway  station  Pipariya 57 km on Mumbai How rah main line via Allahabad ,is the most convenient railhead.

By Road :- Pachmarhi  to connect  by regular  bus service  with Bhopal,Hoshngabad ,Nagpur, Pipariya  and Chhindwara Taxis are available at pipariya.

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